Folies Bergère’s L-ISA set up comprises five hangs L-Acoustics A15 for the main system, with L-Acoustics X8 providing under balcony fill to perfectly cover the entire auditorium. Folies Bergère Goes Crazy For L‑ISA Immersive Sound Folies Bergère L-ISA music hall Paris
Six L-Acoustics KS21 subs are flown behind the centre hang and ten 5XT are evenly spaced across the stage lip for frontfill. Tampere Workers’ Theatre Tampere, Finland News
Bon Iver, Santa Barbara Bowl 2018. Photo: Matt Benton Bon Iver Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Case Study News
A DiGiCo SD7 console was used to mix the show. London Winter Concert Royal Festival Hall, London, UK News